What is Success?

As a photographer, it's that moment when you let the mask down - we all wear - to keep the world at bay.  When you let me in.  When you let the world see your essence, your soul.

It's when the magic happens.

I'm available for private silk screen portrait commissions.  Ideally, starting with a photo session in Philadelphia.  If that's not possible, I'll work with an appropriate photo of yours.  This is a collaborative process to bring out the best version of you.  To create a work of art.

To be clear, my portrait silk screen work is expensive.  That said, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than the portrait of that Blondie Marilyn, which sold for $170,000,000.  With the difference saved - think about this for a moment - you could buy the entire State of Rhode Island or Wyoming.  Maybe even both.  Put differently, my work is actually something of a bargain.  

If you're interested, please feel free to send me a message from the Contact Page.
